Monday, March 3, 2008

...Charles "Tremendous" Jones...

I ran across the quote by Charles "Tremendous" Jones in December and decided to give my students an assignment over Chrisnas Break...The goal, read a book that you REALLY REALLY enjoy over Christmas break and write a journal entry about it. I have to admit I was pretty skeptical about whether or not my students would take the assignment seriously much less do it. Boy was I pleasantly surprised, 90% of my students completed the assignment, to this day it is my most successful homework assignment. There is something to the fact that LEADERS are READERS, as Mr. Jones that's a legacy to leave behind...that we as teachers would turn our students into life-long readers and they would turn into leaders that would change our world for the better!!!

"Rules of the Red Rubber Ball" By Kevin Carroll
"Made to Stick" By Chip and Dan Heath
"The Go-Giver" By Bob Burg and John David Mann
"Love is the Killer App" By Tim Sanders
Uncommon Genius" By Denise Shekerjian

My goal is to read 20 books in 2008...I have read 5 so far and am well on my way...What has been a book that has inspired you this year? Look forward to reading your thoughts...

1 comment:

Maxine Bergman said...

Sounds like a good line up of books. I just finished reading the Red Tent...for the third time!